Slowinski Studios News    
June, 2022
Urbanization: The Bloodlust of the Built Environment 

Is currently on view at Woman Made Gallery in Chicago as part of the gallery's 30th anniversary celebration.  The show is up until July 16, 2022.  You can also see the work online. 
For details: https://womanmade.org/generations-30-years-of-woman-made-gallery/

As I was stitching this piece I thought of the red rectangles as city blocks, graves, parking lots, farms, as well as the death and displacement of  human beings who were in Detroit before my ancestors (who were themselves displaced persons) arrived and all that has been paved over since then...the bloody history of this world.

Photo credit: Tim Thayer
Lather Up! will be shipped to the Textile Center in Minneapolis, MN in mid-July for an exhibition of members' work: Common Thread, from July 26 - October 15, 2022. 
For details: https://textilecentermn.org/acommonthread2022/

I stitched this piece right after the first COVID lock downs in Michigan.  I was determined to depict all the soap that was capturing and carrying away the corona virus and also making my hands raw from frequent washing.  I finally found olive and laurel oil soap at a local Middle Eastern market that healed my hands.

Photo credit: Tim Thayer

All Women Are Daphne will be installed at the Jordan River Arts Council Gallery in East Jordan, MI as part of the Members Invitational Show from August 28 to September 30, 2022.  For details:  https://www.jordanriverarts.com/

I will be adding an entire garland of leaves because of all the women whose work I've read, seen, and learned about since 2021.  I will be stitching 5 new pieces to replace work that had been purchased from the installation when it was on view  at the Hannan Center, Kayrod Gallery: Poetic Cloth exhibition in November, 2021.

Photo credit: Tim Thayer

MetroArts Interview

In November of 2021 I was interviewed about my work by MetroArts, the Wayne State University PBS station for later broadcast. I just received a notification from MetroArts that my segment will be included in Season 11 of MetroArts Detroit which begins the week of July 11, 2022.
My segment will be broadcast on Ch. 56.3 on August 8, 2022 at 12:30 PM, and will repeat on August 10, 2022 at 6:30 PM and again on August 14, 2022 at 9:30 AM.

It will also be available on WTVS3 on Comcast Digital (Channel 288), Charter Digital (Channel 433), and on Bright House Digital (Channel 156).

Afterwards it will be available on the MetroArts website: www.metroartsdetroit.com

Copyright © 2024 · All rights reserved · Dolores S. Slowinski